The Forecourt > Cleaning and Detailing

Rusty wheel bolts?


Steve McF:
Here's a topic previously discussed many years ago on another well known Saab forum that some of us were once members of!!!

Back then, it was for my 9-5. This time round, it's for my 9-3ss - rusty/discoloured wheel bolts.

I can't now remember if I replaced the bolts on my 9-5 with a shiny alternative that didn't rust, but I noticed the ones on my 9-3 wheels are looking a little crusty now too. Are there any non-rusting bolts that can be bought from anywhere? Any recommendations?

The Saab fix for this was plastic covers to go over the bolt heads.

A (insert search engine of your choice here) for Stainless wheel bolts M12 should get you pretty close. I just can't remember what the shoulder taper is at the moment. I think it may be 60 degrees but would need checking.


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