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Messages - Baxlin

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OK, you win,  only trying to help.

So let's sum up - if you're right, I've lost nothing.  If I'm right?  I've still lost nothing....................


It seems i'm in a minority of one here, i've no problem with that, as my insurers know of the two mods I have made to my car.

What I can't understand though, is everyone's reluctance to tell the insurer, just to be on the safe side, when obviously there are different attitudes from different companies.  To my mind it's another layer of insurance - give them no cause to reject a claim, particularly if the size/spec of wheels is changed as well as the tyres.

But then my sig on another forum reads "just an opinion, obviously".


Excellent link. 

But it still leaves a huge area of uncertainty.

Look at Sheila's Wheels, Esure, Sainsbury's and a couple more, there is a different notification requirement if the car has alloy wheels, or they are to be fitted.  That should cover most of us.

And more importantly, in my opinion, is that the article only deals with fitting winter tyres, as in the black things that go round the wheels, and makes no reference to changing the wheels themselves.

So, if you have a spare set of wheels for the winter tyres, rather than removing the summer tyres, then you are changing wheels, regardless of what tyres are on them. 

So it would be interesting to see a similar article which asks the question "do you need to be advised if different wheels are fitted?".  I would expect a different table, as insurers tend to consider wheels (which admittedly are usually upgrades) as modifications to the vehicle, and wish to know. 

A lot is hidden in the "Requirement to disclose material information ..........during the life of the policy" clause, quoting from a motor insurance policy wording from a major insurer.

So I'd say, for the cost of a phone call, it's best to check.

I know it's been discussed before, but don't forget to tell your insurance company you're changing the wheels/tyres.  Don't give them any wriggle room whatsoever in the event of a claim.  Read the policy small print, odds on it'll call for ANY mods to be advised.  IMHO it should be taken literally.

Can't remember offhand, I'll have to have a look!

I take your point, Will, but I'm not saying use foglights all the time, I used the word constant, ie as opposed to intermittent/momentary, which is how brake lights illuminate.

But yes, there is masking, as you say.   

I hardwired the nearside one to the offside one, which overcame any programming foibles.

Regarding the confusion with brake lights, i daresay this is an 'official' view, and not necessarily sgould's opinion, but  I have a couple of observations here. 

Firstly, it's very rare to see brake lights on constantly, which is how you'd see fog lights, and of course you see fog lights for miles, that's what they're designed for, after all.

Secondly, from a selfish personal point, if someone behind me takes my fog lights as brake lights, presumably they'll brake and not hit me!


It is correct for 4x4s to park two wheels on the pavement outside schools when delivering/collecting children.

After all 4x4s were designed to go off road...............

Customer Service Desk / Re: Viewing 'sent' messages
« on: 20 November 2011, 05:34:26 PM »

Customer Service Desk / Viewing 'sent' messages
« on: 20 November 2011, 08:54:01 AM »
How do you save 'sent' PMs?

I've sent a couple recently, and when for instance a reply is received, I want to refer back to what i'd sent my 'Sent messages' box is always empty.

What am I doing wrong, please?



Think I might be on it, being nosey in the background!

They're at Silverstone, for the Britcar 24hr race, and doing the 24 hrs on a fantastic simulator set up in one of the pit garages.  We kept going back to see how they were getting on.................

Before the presenters arrived, we were watching the techy set it up, and I blagged a session on it for my son-in-law, who's really into computer games - but this was something else, he said, he used the 3D setup which wasn't used for the show, as it couldn't be filmed properly.

Nathan was the only member of the public to be allowed on it all weekend!


(Typed while Baxlin was posting!)

Great minds think alike, Geoff...............

9. Please do not use lane one of a motorway.  You are causing no problems staying doggedly in lane two, driving at 5mph below the speed limit.


Your last post was toward the end of October; any updates on her progress?


Yes, sorry.  We had a bit of a roller-coaster time last week, Sophie had to go back into theatre to have another chest drain fitted as fluid was gathering which was not good.

Anyway, she came home on Monday this week!! Needs to visit the local surgery to have stitches out, and Oxford Hosp for scans, but to quote her mum, she's now "running around and Bolshie!".  In other words almost back to normal.

Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers etc., unfortunately the plan is for another, this time open-heart, operation in a couple of years' time, but the alternative, a transplant in her teens, doesn't bear thinking about.

Thanks again


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