The Forecourt > Cleaning and Detailing

Engine bay cleaning

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Steve McF:
Just wondered how you keep your engine bays and engines clean? I've just had an oil leak fixed, and wanted to clean what I can of the engine and engine bay.

Also, can rubber pipes and hoses be cleaned to restore them and preserve their life?

I confess I'm in the leave-well-alone camp when it comes to engine cleaning, since virtually any attempt to do so is in danger of doing more harm than good. I'd wipe any excess oil off, clean with a rag etc, sure, but using any detergent, water etc would make me too nervous. That's just me, I'm a fretter ...

Brake cleaner for oil stains / leaks etc

WD40 for cleaning up plastic and rubber.

Do remember that it's the internals on the rubber pipes that is the most important.

I use a degreaser (one of the citrus based ones), spray it on, leave for a few minutes, agitate any really dirty bits with a brush then rinse with a garden hose. Effective and quite safe.

Paint brush CLEANER works wonders.


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