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Topics - sgould

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As mentioned in the general "What I did to my car" thread, I decided that a pair of self levelling shock absorbers at almost £1200 plus fitting seemed too much for a 14 year old car.  So I bought the PFS kit that is similar to the one sold by esaabparts in the US for the Turbo X Ultra sport suspension.  It was fitted this morning and I have just driven it 50 miles. 

First impressions are that it's fine.  A tiny bit lower at the back, but barely noticeable.  On sweeping bends it seems OK but a bit "looser" with a tendency to suggest oversteer, but only in extreme.   We shall see how it goes with a load on the German trip.

In the middle of last week the car developed a very loud knock at the rear.  That has gone. :)  So it was the shock absorber in its death throes.

Classic Saab 9-5 (MY 1998-2010) / Now a bumper repair...
« on: 18 August 2024, 06:38:51 PM »
SWMBO was driving slowly up the track to our parking area behind the house.  The council have fenced off a small area for "urgent knotweed treatment" but it's enough to make the access difficult.  In avoiding that she drove a bit further into the undergrowth and caught the bumper on a hidden log :(

So, it's bumper off and see how much damage has been done.  There's a dent in the bumper which will probably press out, but the foglight and the plastic surround looks to be toast, along with the undertray.   Fortunately I think I have all the spares in the corner of the shed.  When I bought the used bumper a few years ago, it came fully fitted with all the black inserts and foglights.  Fingers crossed.

I have available a set of four Saab wheel storage bags.   

I used them for storing the winter tyres in summer, and the summer tyres in winter. But, I have now fitted all season tyres and these are no longer needed.  They seem to be rare as I haven't seen any others.  They are a set of four with the wheel position identified on the outside.

The bags are made of cloth reinforced PVC. They have zip closures and a pair of strong carrying handles each. Big enough to store the 19 inch Carlsson wheels with 235/40 tyres.

The zips close from each end and meet in the middle (or whereever you like...).  One of the zip pull tags has broken, but the zip itself works.

There are a few cuffs, etc. as they have been used twice a year for around 15 years! 

£40 collected.  £48 posted, via Evri, or similar.  Pay by Paypal.

Classic Saab 9-5 (MY 1998-2010) / Airbag warning - again :(
« on: 04 August 2024, 09:17:35 PM »
This week the airbag light and the bing bong has started up again.  I had a new airbag last November, and a new clockspring in June. 

What else is left?

While I was in Sweden at the Saabklubben store, I found a Saab V6 engine on a stand.  So I took a load of pictures for my information while there were no other parts in the way.

Posted here for anyone to look and see where some of the pipes go...

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Classic Saab 9-5 (MY 1998-2010) / Low coolant level :(
« on: 28 June 2024, 06:34:02 PM »
Away for the weekend.  Got in the car this morning and the low coolant level warning appeared.  The level is indeed low.  There is no visible sign of leakage.  We are away for the weekend, so if you see me stranded on the M40 tomorrow, give me a wave as you go by.

I'm suspecting the pressure release in the cap at the moment, but we shall see.

The "slight hum" from the brake vacuum pump is now a loud buzz.  The pump 12822387 is no longer available.  At least in its 9-3 form.  There are very similar pumps available on the web for around £55 which look as if they can be adapted.  They look identical to GM Saab?Vauxhall 20914523 which some Saab sources offer for the NG 9-5 at around £525.  So a typical mark-up it seems. 

I would imagine that they could be adapted, if desperate.  But has the part number 12822387 been updated to a non-GM Hedin number?  If so, a what price? :o

Perhaps a call to Ron Saab Leeds will be the best route if I need a replacement.

OK, I succumbed to temptation  :-[ :-[

But it has allowed me to look at error codes without needing to connect anything else.  The rest is between playing and useful. Torque and acceleration info is fun but not much use to me, but the actual distance on the parking sensors, some options on the wipers and mirror folding look useful. Also there is live reading for misfires per cylinder.

They also do one for earlier NG9-3, OG9-3 & 9-5.   There's also an interface to allow the NG9-5 instrument pack to be installed in an early NG 9-3 2003-2006.

Let's see how it goes. :)

Saab in the news / Saab Museum Festival 2024
« on: 06 June 2024, 08:22:28 PM »
It starts officially tomorrow, but the NEVS factory have a sell off of surplus parts today and tomorrow.  Mostly Saab 9-3 parts.  I picked up some brand new tyre pressure monitors for £3.50 each :)  But lots of suspension parts and steering racks (LHD though...)  Radio haed units. One solitary satnav head unit for a 9-5 Dame Edna at £125 (The official Saab price as a spare was £3560 !!!)

New Saab 9-5 (2010 on) / If anyone is looking for one...
« on: 29 May 2024, 10:26:02 PM »
Joe at in Epsom has a Turbo4 on site and I was was offered it, but it's not an estate.

I've been playing with the fuel pressure sensor today as the P0089 code has returned.  It's the third time in the last few years.  I've found that running neat fuel cleaner through the fuel rail seems to work. 

However, access is via the fuel pressure sensor in the line.  There's a Schrader valve adjacent to the sensor.  I released the fuel pressure via the valve.  Pressed it several times and there is no pressure and no release of any more fuel.  But when I take the sensor out, fuel sprays everywhere.  I'm puzzled.

Ace Cafe, North Circular Road, London NW10.

don't forget that the Ace Cafe is now inside the London ULEZ zone.  £12.50 per day for older cars.  EURO 4  for petrol  EURO 6 for diesel.   Check on the TfL website is worried.

the two plastic fasteners along the top of the bumper on the 2007 9-5 have fallen apart.  Two small bits of plastic that I couldn't reliably find on eBay, etc.  I bought some years ago and they were the wrong size...

So today, I realised I had the perfect solution in the shed!  Some small well nuts.  They are rubber with an internal brass thread and they expand as the screw goes in.  They work! :)

A few days ago SWMBO filled the Carlsson with fuel because the gauge was showing a quarter full. After topping up the tank and turning the ignition on. The fuel gauge stayed on zero and the fuel light was on. The gauge stayed on zero for a couple of days and then recovered.

Today it was filled with fuel again and when the car was started I noticed that the gauge was on zero again. When it got dark, I noticed that the panel lights were off as well. I would say a circuit fault. My electronic skills are low. But I could prod around with a circuit diagram.

Any ideas?

Classic Saab 9-5 (MY 1998-2010) / Zero misfires? Surely that's not right?
« on: 24 November 2023, 08:30:45 PM »
I was preparing for the service & MOT next week, and connected the Tech2 to further investigate the airbag issue.  So, while it was connected I ran through some other bits as the engine is vibrating on tickover and a bit above.

The Tech2 is reporting absolutely no misfires.  None at all.  Which is, to my mind, not right as misfires are normal.  I'm suspecting a DI or ECU fault.  Any thoughts?

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