I managed to get time to take the cam cover off this morning.
Apart from grunge between the spark plug holes the cams etc look in very good condition, with no signs of sludge, full size photos below.
Then I turned the engine over getting each lobe in line with the valve stem and tested each of the tappets
Cylinders 1,2 and 3 were all hard
On cylinder 4 the left hand intake was very soft, the right hand intake soft
The left hand exhaust was also soft while the right hand exhaust was hard.
So, three soft tappets on number 4, which I believes means there is no /little oil in them.
I could go down the ATF route to try and clean them, but am wondering if they are blocked will the detergent actually remove the debris ? Perhaps it is just better to remove the faulty ones, clean them soak them overnight in oil and them refit ?
I haven't looked at WIS yet, but I am thinking about taking the following route:
Tiewrap the chain to the camshafts in a number of positions
Remove the chain tensioner
Remove the camshaft caps
Lift the camshaft out of the way to allow removal of the offending tappets
So in other words, I think this can be done without even removing the camshaft gear from the cam. Then again if that is a trivial job (simple bolt and keyway perhaps so no chance of losing cam timing) then I can just whip the gear off
Does that make sense
Here's the photos, again, let me know if you see anything that doesn't look right